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18 sep 2024

Master's thesis in Software Development: Compile pension actuarial calculations from Excel formula’s to high-performing code (Project GROENpensioen)

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Locatie Veenendaal
Salarisindicaties 0-5.000
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Ready to transform the way actuarial calculations are done? In this master's thesis, you'll explore how to convert complex Excel-based calculations into high-performance code. You'll focus on automating the process, ensuring auditability and reliability, and improving computational efficiency to support more sustainable pension fund operations. Required interest(s)
  • Compilers/ Code generation
  • High performance code
  • Software testing & validation
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation


Ready to transform the way actuarial calculations are done? In this master's thesis, you'll explore how to convert complex Excel-based calculations into high-performance code. You'll focus on automating the process, ensuring auditability and reliability, and improving computational efficiency to support more sustainable pension fund operations. Required interest(s)
  • Compilers/ Code generation
  • High performance code
  • Software testing & validation
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation

Functie eisen

This master's thesis is part of the ‘Van GRIJSpensioen naar GROENpensioen‘ graduation project. With this project, we are giving the pension industry a digital boost by optimizing digital infrastructures and processes. In doing so, we are making pension funds more efficient and sustainable, with better data management, strong privacy protection, and personalized services.


Pension funds periodically perform actuarial calculations for all participants. Many of these actuarial calculations are developed in Microsoft Excel and then manually converted into code. Since these calculations are performed for everyone with a pension, they must be calculated efficiently.

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