93.043 vacatures

22 sep 2024

Master's thesis in Software Development: Battle for data integrity: a proactive approach to ransomware detection and prevention

Branche Zie onder
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Locatie Veenendaal
Salarisindicaties 0-5.000
Opleidingsniveau Zie onder
Organisatie Info Support
Contactpersoon Info Support Nederland


Data is a critical asset. Ransomware attacks pose a significant threat by encrypting valuable information and demanding ransom for its release. Your challenge is to develop a system that not only detects ransomware but also proactively prevents it. This thesis involves a comprehensive literature review on current ransomware detection and prevention methods, aiming to create innovative, forward-thinking strategies. Your work will help organizations safeguard their data integrity and set new cybersecurity standards. Required interest(s)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Research 
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation


Data is a critical asset. Ransomware attacks pose a significant threat by encrypting valuable information and demanding ransom for its release. Your challenge is to develop a system that not only detects ransomware but also proactively prevents it. This thesis involves a comprehensive literature review on current ransomware detection and prevention methods, aiming to create innovative, forward-thinking strategies. Your work will help organizations safeguard their data integrity and set new cybersecurity standards. Required interest(s)
  • Cybersecurity
  • Research 
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation

Functie eisen

In a world where data is considered a critical asset, it constantly remains a target for cyberattacks, particularly ransomware attacks. These threats result in the need to encrypt valuable data, with attackers demanding ransom to restore access. Developing an effective system that can not only detect ransomware but also actively prevents it is essential for ensuring the integrity of business data. This task challenges you to think of innovative approaches to tackle this issue.

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