227.829 vacatures

28 jun 2024

Master's thesis in Data & AI: Optimization of sustainable energy sources and energy infrastructure (Project SEMS)

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Locatie Veenendaal
Salarisindicaties 0-5.000
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We face a challenge of transitioning to sustainable energy sources while optimizing the existing infrastructure. Your task is to develop a deep learning model that uses historical weather data and energy demand to identify optimal locations for wind turbines, solar panels and water turbines. This includes considering the energy grids capacity and environmental factors, such as avoiding residential areas and nature parks. The goal is to enhance energy generation efficiency without overloading the grid. Required interest(s)
  • Data engineering
  • Algorithms
  • Energy Transition
  • Software Development
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation


We face a challenge of transitioning to sustainable energy sources while optimizing the existing infrastructure. Your task is to develop a deep learning model that uses historical weather data and energy demand to identify optimal locations for wind turbines, solar panels and water turbines. This includes considering the energy grids capacity and environmental factors, such as avoiding residential areas and nature parks. The goal is to enhance energy generation efficiency without overloading the grid. Required interest(s)
  • Data engineering
  • Algorithms
  • Energy Transition
  • Software Development
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation

Functie eisen

The current energy landscape faces the challenge of an accelerated transition to sustainable energy sources and the optimization of the energy infrastructure. An essential aspect of this transition is the effective deployment of wind turbines, solar panels, and water turbines in locations that are both favorable for energy generation and compatible with the existing energy infrastructure. The challenge lies in using available historical weather and energy consumption patterns while considering the capacity of the energy grid.

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