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30 sep 2024

Master's thesis in Data & AI: Harnessing the power of AI: Preserving expert knowledge through large language models

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Locatie Veenendaal
Salarisindicaties 0-5.000
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Contactpersoon Info Support Nederland


This master's thesis examines the challenges posed by the aging population in the Netherlands, focusing on the preservation and transfer of domain knowledge from retiring seniors. You will evaluate current knowledge retention methods, explore ways to effectively communicate explicit and tacit knowledge, and analyze the ethical and societal implications of AI-driven knowledge systems. The goal is to develop AI techniques to ensure seamless knowledge transfer to the next generation of professionals. Required interest(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Large Language Models
  • Knowledge Preservation
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation


This master's thesis examines the challenges posed by the aging population in the Netherlands, focusing on the preservation and transfer of domain knowledge from retiring seniors. You will evaluate current knowledge retention methods, explore ways to effectively communicate explicit and tacit knowledge, and analyze the ethical and societal implications of AI-driven knowledge systems. The goal is to develop AI techniques to ensure seamless knowledge transfer to the next generation of professionals. Required interest(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Large Language Models
  • Knowledge Preservation
What do you get
  • A challenging assignment within a practical environment
  • € 1000 compensation, € 500 + lease car or € 600 + living space
  • Professional guidance
  • Courses aimed at your graduation period
  • Support from our academic Research center at your disposal
  • Two vacation days per month
What you will do
  • 65% Research
  • 10% Analyze, design, realize
  • 25% Documentation

Functie eisen

On January 1, 2023, the Netherlands will have 3,627,484 inhabitants over the age of 65. This is approximately 20% of the total population. The aging of the Netherlands brings several problems with it. For example, we must produce the same economic product with fewer people, and a large part of the knowledge of retiring seniors will be lost if their knowledge is not adequately transferred to the next generation.


More and more businesses struggle with these issues. The process of preserving domain knowledge by writing down and documenting is a tedious and not particularly exciting task. Moreover, how this documentation of domain knowledge is effectively conveyed to the next generation is of great importance since people tend not to read long texts when they need knowledge about a specific topic.


Therefore, it is important to make the knowledge transfer and preservation process as smooth as possible. Using state-of-the-art AI techniques, we want to make it possible for businesses to easily store and retrieve domain knowledge so that the knowledge of retiring senior experts is preserved and conveyed to the next generation of professionals.

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