116.755 vacatures

13 sep 2024

Logistic employee

Branche logistiek en vervoer
Dienstverband Direct bij werkgever
Uren Zie onder
Locatie Woerden
Salarisindicaties 0-5.000
Opleidingsniveau Zie onder
Organisatie UBN Uitzendbureau
Contactpersoon UBN Utrecht


This company is growing, and that means that they are looking for a warehouse worker who can manage the warehouse on their own.
You will work alone for the upcoming time and you will be the first warehouse employee at this company. That means that you will have all the freedom to make the warehouse as you want it.
It is important that you will be working between 15:00 - 19:00 hour because you need to help the drivers with unloading their trucks after their tour.

You can organize your own working hours, as long as you make sure that you are there between 15:00 - 19:00 hour from monday till friday.


This company is growing, and that means that they are looking for a warehouse worker who can manage the warehouse on their own.

You will work alone for the upcoming time and you will be the first warehouse employee at this company. That means that you will have all the freedom to make the warehouse as you want it.

It is important that you will be working between 15:00 - 19:00 hour because you need to help the drivers with unloading their trucks after their tour.

You can organize your own working hours, as long as you make sure that you are there between 15:00 - 19:00 hour from monday till friday.

Functie eisen

  • You have some experience with working in the warehouse;
  • You can work independently;
  • You are available for five days a week;
  • You speak fluent English or Dutch;
  • You don't mind to work alone in the warehouse.
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