86.014 vacatures

27 sep 2024

Corporate Recruiter

Branche Zie onder
Dienstverband Direct bij werkgever
Uren Zie onder
Locatie Arnhem
Salarisindicaties 0-5.000
Opleidingsniveau Zie onder
Organisatie Werken op IPKW
Contactpersoon Fleur Cornelissen
026 702 44 90


First things first! It is important that you are willing to move to Arnhem. Elestor is a renowned company and is willing to help you with a work visa. If you are not willing to move, we ask you not to apply.

In your role as the Corporate Recruiter, you will immerse yourself in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. As Elestor embarks on its scale-up phase, encompassing technological advancement, product expansion, and team growth, your foremost responsibility will be to facilitate the growth of the workforce by identifying, selecting, and recruiting the right talents.

As you collaborate in the construction of Elestor's team from 50 to 100 employees, your role involves designing and executing the overarching recruitment strategy. You'll also be instrumental in structuring the recruitment function to prepare the company for exponential expansion, targeting around 400 employees by 2027.

Elestor's Corporate Recruiter reports to the CEO. You will work closely with the team leads and play an integral part across the company. With a proactive and cooperative attitude, your contribution can be essential and have a decisive impact on rolling out a critical system for Long Duration Energy Storage. A solution that must and will be deployed massively in the very near future!

  • Define and implement the overall recruiting strategy
  • Act as a point of contact and build relationships during the selection process
  • Develop job descriptions and specifications, and prepare the corresponding documents
  • Prepare recruitment materials and communicate these through the appropriate channels
  • Screen candidates' job applications, motivational letters, and resumes
  • Search and approach professionals for the harder-to-fill-in jobs
  • Conduct interviews using various recruiting and selection tools to filter candidates
  • Assess applicants' relevant knowledge, (soft) skills, experience and, aptitudes
  • Optimize structure (e.g., hiring process flowchart, implementation of an Application Tracking
  • System (e.g., Recruitee, Workable))
  • Co-develop Elestor's employer value proposition and initiate employer branding activities
  • Promote Elestor's reputation as “a great place to learn and work”


First things first! It is important that you are willing to move to Arnhem. Elestor is a renowned company and is willing to help you with a work visa. If you are not willing to move, we ask you not to apply.

In your role as the Corporate Recruiter, you will immerse yourself in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. As Elestor embarks on its scale-up phase, encompassing technological advancement, product expansion, and team growth, your foremost responsibility will be to facilitate the growth of the workforce by identifying, selecting, and recruiting the right talents.

As you collaborate in the construction of Elestor's team from 50 to 100 employees, your role involves designing and executing the overarching recruitment strategy. You'll also be instrumental in structuring the recruitment function to prepare the company for exponential expansion, targeting around 400 employees by 2027.

Elestor's Corporate Recruiter reports to the CEO. You will work closely with the team leads and play an integral part across the company. With a proactive and cooperative attitude, your contribution can be essential and have a decisive impact on rolling out a critical system for Long Duration Energy Storage. A solution that must and will be deployed massively in the very near future!

  • Define and implement the overall recruiting strategy
  • Act as a point of contact and build relationships during the selection process
  • Develop job descriptions and specifications, and prepare the corresponding documents
  • Prepare recruitment materials and communicate these through the appropriate channels
  • Screen candidates' job applications, motivational letters, and resumes
  • Search and approach professionals for the harder-to-fill-in jobs
  • Conduct interviews using various recruiting and selection tools to filter candidates
  • Assess applicants' relevant knowledge, (soft) skills, experience and, aptitudes
  • Optimize structure (e.g., hiring process flowchart, implementation of an Application Tracking
  • System (e.g., Recruitee, Workable))
  • Co-develop Elestor's employer value proposition and initiate employer branding activities
  • Promote Elestor's reputation as “a great place to learn and work”

Functie eisen

The preferred candidate possesses a track record of successfully recruiting staff for tech companies. Your strong points lie in effective organization and cooperative work, and even though the environment is highly technical, you readily express your people-focused outlook. Your aim is to promptly fill job vacancies, but only when you're confident that Elestor can attract a content and high-performing employee for the long term. Through your perceptiveness and personal approach, you easily connect with diverse individuals, spanning different technical domains, personalities, and nationalities. You display a keen willingness to learn and seamlessly thrive within the Elestor ethos, characterized by a positive attitude, adaptability, and proactive engagement.

  • BSc or MSc degree (or work experience in which professional and intellectual capacities at a comparable level can be assumed) 2 to 10 years of working experience in recruitment
  • Ideally > recruiting for high-tech companies
  • Must-have > affinity with tech / technical-minded curiosity
  • Ability to conduct different types of interviews and expose a person's experience, competencies, and motivation
  • Familiarity with recruitment software (e.g., LinkedIn subscriptions,
  • Applicant Tracking Systems) is a plus
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Experience with working in an international company is a nice-to-have
  • Fluent in English (oral, written) and Dutch (written)
  • An entrepreneurial mindset
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